Here it is. The Conversation of the Month in households across the country, and also at the XR UK Future Democracy Hub: The General Election.
We’re encouraging our Facilitator Army - a nationwide network of facilitators embedded in XR local groups - to run People’s Assemblies (see below) on various topics around the General Election, and to feed these back into a national digital conversation so that local perspectives and decisions can be shared across the country. You might want to promote these events with a Facebook event through your local group.
For information on setting up and running People’s Assemblies please see the links below.
Suggested discussion starting points:
What should XR’s general election strategy be, at the national and local level? (Note the following guidelines from the general election team: do not use XR to promote individual candidates or parties; ensure candidates and parties are questioned about the climate and ecological emergency; no direct actions at candidates’ homes.)
What would this local group like to do around the general election?
How can we raise the profile of the climate and ecological emergency in our constituency and ensure it is at the forefront of people’s minds when they cast their ballot?
Hustings, local direct actions, symbolic actions
Supporting democracy campaigns such as UpToUs,Demand Democracy, Make Votes Matter (and how to do that at local level)
Comparing manifesto commitments on the Climate and Ecological Emergency (could be the focus of a hustings, or individuals prepare a presentation as input to the assembly)
Feeding back:
We invite individuals to take up the role of collating the minutes of the above discussions and uploading to the General Election conversation:
XR UK Election Rebellion Kitlist:
More about People’s Assemblies:
For information on how to run a People’s Assembly please see the PA manual: